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Gifts.com Comparison Shopping Engine Info

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Launch Date: 2005
Traffic (compete.com) *5/2012 (in millions unless noted): 4.2
Alexa Rank *7/2012: 1784
Bidding Format (most granular listed): Product Level
Daily product level reporting: Available in User Interface
Gifts feed specifications Yes - Click To Download
Gifts category rate card Yes - Click To Download
Gifts feed taxonomy Yes - Click To Download

Gifts.com is the Internet's only gift-suggestion service dedicated to helping consumers choose the right gift, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Gifts.com editors create demand for your products by recommending them to pre-qualified, ready-to buy customers who are then sent directly to your on-line store. We don't sell the products, you do!

Gifts.com is strictly a pay for performance service - you only pay for the customer leads we send directly to your site.

Gifts.com is a wholly owned subsidiary of Liberty Media Corporation (NASDAQ: LINTA), which includes companies such as QVC, Backcountry.com, BuySeasons Inc., Bodybuilding.com, Evite, and Provide Commerce. You can trust Gifts.com and know that you're dealing with a reputable company that has built market leaders across the internet.

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