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Nextag Comparison Shopping Engine Info

Other Domains:
Launch Date: 1999
Traffic (compete.com) *5/2012 (in millions unless noted): 15.8
Alexa Rank *7/2012: 298
Bidding Format (most granular listed): Product Level
Daily product level reporting: Available in User Interface
NexTag feed specifications Yes - Click To Download
NexTag category rate card Yes - Click To Download
NexTag feed taxonomy Yes - Click To Download

NexTag.com is the leading comparison shopping site for products, mortgages, travel, cars, and more. The company's proprietary Search And Match technology (SAM), helps shoppers quickly compare prices for products and services. NexTag's highly qualified traffic and performance-based pricing; makes it an extremely efficient sales channel for thousands of retailers, service provider, and individuals.

Over 11 million people per month use NexTag.com to research, compare, and buy products/services online. Recently recognized as being the fastest growing comparison shopping service on the Internet; NexTag certainly knows how to reach millions of consumers, ensure a solid return-customer base by excellent services and industry expertise, and provide a thriving e-commerce network of satisfied consumers and profiting merchants.

Being a part of a booming and high-profile consumer search engine like NexTag, is absolutely crucial to the development and success of your business, and that's why we deliver its opportunities to you. By implementing NexTag's shopping feed services and tools; we'll fine-tune, format, and optimize your product specifications, keywords, and descriptions to the specific confines of NexTag's layout and requirements (otherwise known as data feed creation); and thereby deliver optimized, top-priority, competitive NexTag xml data, and search and shopping feeds, specific to your product(s).

From there, we'll implement the highly-sensitive techno-marketing device, ShopTracker, which will track your product(s) progress on NexTag in comparison to that of your competitors'. You'll receive constant updates on the price margin, click-ratio, and most importantly, how that affects your sales and profits. You'll have access to the product specs of the competitor, and have the power to change and optimize what your product offers in relation to the competitors. ShopTracker is a necessary component in managing your e-business, building your client base, and instituting a success of longetivity and profit; and we have the means to help you to that end.

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