Other Domains: | |
Launch Date: | 1/2010 |
Traffic (compete.com) *5/2012 (in millions unless noted): | 20.5 |
Alexa Rank *7/0212: | 139 |
Bidding Format (most granular listed): | Category Level |
Daily product level reporting: | No |
Sears Marketplace feed specifications | Yes - Click To Download |
Sears Marketplace category rate card | Yes - Click To Download |
Sears Marketplace feed taxonomy | Yes - Click To Download |
Sears Product Ads is a highly effective cost-per-click advertising program designed for marketplace sellers on Sears.com. With Sears Product Ads, advertised products are seen by interested customers while they’re actively shopping on Sears.com. Sears Product Ads program give you the power to move your products to the top of the page on Sears.com when the shoppers are searching for similar products, driving more visibility and sales towards your advertised products.